Project Overview

Description: Historic structure renovation of multi-family property

Location: Downtown St. Louis, MO

Metropolitan Build’s Services: General contracting, Construction management, Historic preservation

Building Owner: Eric Kollinger

Architect: Carlos Mindreau


We were initially brought on as consultants to convert a historic building into a multi-family property. Eventually, we became the construction manager and general contractor, bringing the project into compliance for tax credits and overcoming challenges with water damage to the historic facade.

The Challenges

The owner of the building wanted to convert the second, third, and fourth floors to multi-family housing. The building was a Cadillac showroom in the 1920s and is a historic structure, with an art deco style and intricate detailing on the exterior facade. The renovation needed to comply with regulations to be eligible for historic tax credits. In addition, the building had already suffered significant damage due to water penetration. The construction company managing the project initially had performed work out of sequence, and the owner was contending with delays, errors, and inefficiencies.

The Metropolitan Build Solution

While we were initially brought on as consultants, we eventually took over as the construction manager, general contractor, and development consultant for the project. Before we joined, the project was not in compliance and could not receive historic tax credits. We adapted the renovation plans for compliance and were able to secure a significant amount of additional funding.

We performed both exterior and interior renovation services, fixing the exterior facade and restoring it to its original detail. Inside, we added intricate and historic interior detailing, and created three residential units on each floor.