Program Development

Developers and owners require a detailed, comprehensive renovation or expansion plan before work can commence. Our specialists assist from the earliest stages of program development, assessing your needs, goals, and resources, and translating them into an optimal design and construction plan. Only when all stakeholders are aligned on these key considerations can the pre-construction phase effectively move forward.

Our program development services

We work with you to transform your vision into clear goals and actionable next steps. Our program development process begins by defining the functional and performance requirements of the completed project, considering infrastructure, spatial organization, and timelines. We then assess existing site conditions and constructability, combining these insights with a comprehensive cash flow analysis and an assessment of funding requirements. The resulting program document provides design direction through both examples and detailed descriptions, along with a phased plan for future expansions and facility improvements.

When to bring in a program development partner

Rather than waiting for the program to be finalized before partnering with a design contractor, bring in a development consultant to assist with the earliest stages of your project plan. The earlier our team of specialists is brought in on a project, the more opportunities we have to identify efficiencies, upgrades, and more cost-effective solutions.

Why partner with Metropolitan Build for program development?