Site Discovery and Selection
Some developers or owners wait until they’ve already selected a site before engaging with a renovations partner, which can lead to costly inefficiencies and missed opportunities. The Metropolitan Build team adds value to the earliest stages of your project, including site discovery, site selection, and feasibility studies, to ensure your construction or renovation project is positioned for success.
Site discovery
If you’re embarking on a new construction project, we can help identify site candidates and evaluate them to determine best fit. We use data-driven insights to develop robust feasibility studies that take all site-specific factors into account, including whether necessary infrastructure is in place, the degree of renovation required, the capacity for expansion, and other considerations stemming from the project program. We translate those insights into informed decisions about how to proceed with your project and what level of investment is required. We also assist with project financing sources and strategies.
Site analysis
Once a site is selected, we provide a comprehensive assessment of the site situation, including its unique advantages and limitations that will need to be overcome before it can achieve its desired converted use. We consult with owners and developers to ensure they procure the best site and building available within their stated goals and project parameters.